Hey, I'm Joey!

Coach, educator, researcher, storyteller, healer, activist, adventurer, life-long learner, and mama.


My life's work centers on finding authenticity & creating radical belonging, helping people gather more meaningfully to share necessary knowledge, skills, & connection. 

And I’m on a mission to help paradigm-shifting leaders become the most impactful, rooted versions of themselves, and, with their help, to catalyze radically sustainable, abundant communities all over the world.

Hey, I'm Joey!


Creator of Be The Voice, educator, Ph.D. researcher, storyteller, healer, activist, adventurer, life-long learner, and mama.


I’m known for finding authenticity & creating radical belonging, from inside the classroom to on the mic.


And I’m on a mission to teach you what I know, to amplify necessary voices, and, with your help, to catalyze radically sustainable, prosperous communities all over the world.

I’ve spent most of my life helping others & pushing back on social constructions that felt limiting, harmful, or inauthentic.

Just like you, I've always wanted to make an impact. 

I went into teaching, not for summers off, but to truly change lives & shake up systems for the better.

I've always known that there's a better way to do things. 

A way for people to live happier and healthier. A way for us to be more in harmony with each other & the earth we call home. 

My willingness to dream and be different helped me spark change.

From yoga to decolonizing frameworks, I've brought what I've learned about becoming the best versions of ourselves into every space to help others learn, heal, and thrive.  

I believe that our voices matter. 

And I've spent the last 12 years helping my students, clients, and audience to heal their hearts & nervous systems, to find their voice & messages, and live their most authentic life as an agent for collective change & transformation.


"You believed in my voice before I knew I had one"


                                                                                -Richelle, Student testimonial        

Telling my story & using my voice didn't always come easy. 

My work is a love letter and safe space for introverts, empaths, mavericks, sensitive-souls, people of historically-excluded identities, and anyone who's ever felt they didn't fit into any box but wanted to love the world fiercely anyways.

I am you. 

Growing up biracial, multi-lingual, an immigrant, autistic, a trauma survivor, my default safety mechanism was silence. 

If I did use my voice, it was in a careful attempt to make others happy. I almost never sought attention, validation, or... well, anything. My comfort was in the shadows and solitude. 

As a teacher and researcher, my life's work and service has brought me into constant reflection on the permission & purpose of using my voice. 

While I outwardly honed my teaching and leadership voice, I simultaneously grappled with my inner narrative, my relationship with myself, and my experience with sharing myself with audiences. 

My internal struggles intersected with my identity, socially-constructed labels, systemic inequities, trauma, and a fierce protection over what my heart & intuition has always led me to believe was sacred. 

I was determined to seek, and even wait for, a better way. 

While others around me published and promoted themselves without holding back, I stayed quiet, wondering if my voice would ever be necessary.

In this time of waiting, there were 2 things that would continually challenge my silence. Those 2 things would end up being 2 sides to the same coin:

1) My heart kept telling me to serve others through teaching To share what I was learning with those who I was authentically connected to. To make the world around me better for everyone & everything.

2) People kept asking me to speak. To tell stories. To teach them. To give talks about how I was teaching people. To speak poetry. To lead workshops. To share with others what I was learning & how I was transforming.

In that 2-sided combination of my service & their ask lay an important lesson. I discovered that my message was bigger than my comfort, my ego, and even that single moment. Bigger than me. It was the life lessons given to me by the universe perfectly matched to the questions my audience was asking.

Those sacred lessons required a sensitive voice and ethical channel. 

It also required learning. 

Learning how to do my story work, to get clear on my life's work & service to this world, to know clearly what messages are meant to be channeled through me.

So I did my work.

With this clarity & invitation, I began to speak and write, as sensitively and ethically as I could.

Learning how to lend my voice to the lessons that my communities need from me has led to 2 tangible outcomes:

1) Each speaking & writing opportunity generated another (and free speaking gigs turned to paid). People gather after one of my talks, or write to me when they've read something I published, asking me for ways to work with me or stay connected. 

2) Quickly, I realized to be the most impactful teacher, I needed to teach others how to teachHow to channel their voice, their stories, their insights and embody the messages they were meant to share with their audience. 

The last decade of my life has been dedicated to making this process of helping others empower their voice good for both the speaker and the audience. A process where the speaker feels safe & confident in their message, and the audience is impacted without coercion or sleaze. 


Which brings me here to you.

I know it's time for many paradigm-shifting leaders (especially of the global majority) to take center stage.


And overcome the internal blocks and historical silencing that have kept us in the corners. Our voices, knowledge & imaginations are needed more than ever. 

By leaning into the frameworks of diversity, inclusion, decolonization, and trauma-informed care that catalyzed my transformation, I help you find the volume, direction, & necessity of your voice.

I make it safe for you to do your story work, to know yourself unshakably, to have clarity & calm in doing your life's work. And I help you experience & cultivate communities of radical belonging that will change your life and the world around you.

I've lived with my fair share of imposter syndrome, but my mission has kept me going.

Walking my journey of radical service has brought me through...


  • 12 magical years in the public high school classroom where I helped my students create a Black Student Union and a Spoken Word course & team, performing on stages across the region. (Read that story here.)
  • Earning a Ph.D. in Education where I studied how to grow radical learning spaces from Indigenous & marginalized communities, where I deepened my practice of decolonizing methodologies in narrative traditions & community-building. (Read those stories here.)
  • Publishing & speaking as a keynote, guest lecturer, and workshop facilitator, sharing the transformational insights & methods I'd gathered, while learning how to connect authentically with my audiences.
  • Becoming a Kundalini yoga certified teacher where I furthered my healing of trauma and learned how to restore my nervous system, and trust my intuition. 
  • Making the leap from my tenured teaching position into coaching, bringing the radical perspectives & resources that changed my life to now serve heart-led knowledge workers on their journeys towards radical impact. 


Get on the list for my upcoming free workshop:

 Tell Better Stories 

Walk away with actionable steps & messaging frameworks to start making the impact you're meant to for today.












I've earned my own money since I was 9 years old by teaching & caretaking. Though I grew up in a working-class family, by earning money at such an early age, I learned how to leverage one opportunity into another. I NEVER worked a minimum wage job, instead seeking creative service-based ways to support myself and share my resources with those I'm connected to.


I come from a long line of farmers & builders. The next chapter of my vision involves me doing both and I CAN'T WAIT. My online education business will one day merge with its land-based counterpart: a farm, school, studio, and community resource space. Becoming the fullest version of myself as a land-steward drives me each day to crack capitalism & help us all find our ways home.


I speak 4 languages and I've studied 7. I've taught in 4 different countries. I left my tenured-teaching job in summer 2023 and moved my family back to my homelands in Taiwan. My children are being raised tri-lingually like I was. As Hakka people, descendants of an endangered language with an oral history, passing on my native tongue to my children feels like a revolutionary act. Watch my Hakkamentary here. 


I gave birth to both my children at home in the water, carrying on my ah po's home birthing legacy. I practice decolonizing, holistic, and sustainable practices, raising my children to care for the earth and all its inhabitants. I believe that caring for our body & its health allows us to return home to ourselves in the most complete ways.


At age 19, I performed a cello solo with the Vienna Boys Choir in Austria in front of thousands of people. I wasn't qualified for the role when it was given to me. (The original soloist dropped out). But 3 months of hard work & discipline taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. I learned that channeling artistic expression is a divine experience worth pursuing.

Connect with me on Instagram! I'd love to learn more about you and swap ideas around authenticity, belonging, creativity, and radical change!